Monday, September 10, 2012

Dots Day 11 30 Day Challenge

I was going to cheat and use an old dotticure for today's post... but I received a shipment from my friend in the UK. I received Dior Lagoon and a mini Nails inc pastel set.. I put my lasagna that I slaved over for at least an hour into the oven and then I said what the heck I wanna put on Dior.
So here is Dior Lagoon with dots from my mini pastel set. I hope you enjoy! I might even throw in my dinner pic :) Well it'll actually be my lunch since it is almost 9:00pm..


  1. Is that zucchini on top? That Dior looks great!

  2. Yes it is zucchini on top. I don't usually have time to make veggies on the side so I try to throw them in my main dishes.
    Thank you!! I am so happy this mani turned out so well.
